RKBA: Defending the Right to Keep and Bear Arms - copy
Columbine and Virginia Tech were not good omens. The victims there were unarmed sheep, who hid beneath desks and chairs, simply cowering as they died. They said "Baa" as they were being slaughtered. Something basic to our society has to change. It's time to stand and fight while we still can. And if our politicians tell us we can't protect our children in a daycare center, a post office, or a church, then we show them the door. We vote them out. We recall them. We take out the trash! That's the attitude that America was founded on. Somewhere along the timeline, America has lost it's way, we've lost our instinct for survive
Don't cower in the face of crime! listen to this book and make your stand. That's one of the themes in Skip Coryell's new book RKBA: Defending the Right to Keep and Bear Arms.